Ethics Guidelines
All members of the NICE TCM organization strive to uphold the group’s commitment to Integrity in Management.
By acting in line with Ethical Management principles, we not only create business value but also grow in partnership with all of our shareholders and
other stakeholders. We will strive to grow as a business trusted by customers and investors alike. To achieve these goals, we have implemented the
Ethics Guidelines that serve as the decision-making basis for the entire organization. The Guidelines are targeted at promoting fair business throughout NICE TCM.
Ethical Principles
1. Build a clean corporate culture
Internalize corporate ideals and commit to corporate goals and ideals; act on given responsibilities. according to company guidelines.
Facilitate communication among managers and staff as well as colleagues, creating an organizational culture built on mutual trust.
Strive to achieve by employing respectable means, and comply with relevant laws and company regulations.
Report immediately according to procedure upon discovery of illegal or unfair behavior, strive to resolve issues, and never leave out or cover up misbehavior.
2. Prevention of conflict of interest
Strive to prevent conflict of interest with the company; should a situation arise where conflicts of interest occur between the company and an individual or between company teams, prioritize the company first.
Publicize all matters with potential to result in conflicts of interest.
Prohibit all actions with potential to result in conflicts of interest with the company or misuse of company resources.
Engage in clear communications between colleagues to maximize resource utilization and promote efficient work.
Receive prior company approval to engage in outside activities or non-profit organization memberships.
3. Prevention of misuse. of company information
Employees do not engage in stock trading using internal company information.
Employees do not provide to third parties non-public company data with potential to influence stockprice without prior approval.
Employees do not recommend or suggest trading of company stock while possessing knowledge of internal company information.
4. Protection of company assets and information
Employees have an obligation to protect company assets, intellectual property, and trade secrets, and many not use company assets for personal use.
Employees do not engage in personal profit-seeking behavior or unfair business practices using their position at the company.
Consult first with legal professionals or similar personnel when developing or renewing systems that collect or use sensitive information.
Refrain from releasing to outside parties proprietary information that can influence company profits.
5. Sexual harassment
Employees are strictly prohibited from using any language or behavior that can be viewed as sexually harassing or insulting, including but not limited to physical, verbal, and visual language as well as any similar behavior that can threaten employee morale.
6. Environment, Health, and Safety
Employees have the right to remove safety threats from the workplace and maintain a safe working environment.
Employees have the duty to protect the surroundings of our customers as well as everyone else around us.
7. Bribery
No employee receives cash, gifts, or any other bribe from business partners and similar stakeholders.
Employees do not provide cash, gifts, or any other such bribes beyond social reason to business partners and stakeholders with a relationship to our business.
Members of our organization do not engage in excessive gifting, including within the organization.
8. Bribes to public officials
Employees are prohibited from illegal bribery, including when the motive is related to business goals.
Employees do not provide business-related gifts to public officials beyond what is permitted by law.
Employees in positions with public duty are prohibited from receiving any cash or gifts.
9. Compliance with Ethics Guidelines
Employees must maintain strict compliance with Ethics Guidelines, and bear all responsibility including penalties for any breach of these Guidelines.
Any employee that is forced to engage in unethical behavior or comes across such behavior is obligated to report those findings to the Audit team or a similar group.
Commitment to Clients
1. Respect for clients
Think and act from a client-first perspective, and strive to achieve client satisfaction by offering first-class service our clients can trust.
Provide clients with accurate information, and never engage in excessive or misleading marketing activity.
2. Client protection
Ensure safety of customer assets, interests, safety, and personal information in line with relevant laws,and never damage the client interest.
Respect and comply with customer protection laws.
3. Client information security
Collect, use, and share client information only in line with processes that prevent invasion of privacy.
Client information is used only within limits granted by responsibility.
Commitment to
Shareholders and Investors
1. Shareholder rights
Uphold shareholder rights and respond actively to rational shareholder requests and suggestions.
Provide transparent disclosures to build trust among our shareholders and investors, and promote maximization of shareholder returns.
2. Disclosures
Post timely and accurate disclosures to facilitate rational investment decision making by investors and other stakeholders.
3. Transparency
Strive to achieve reliability and transparency in financial statements.
Commitment to
Competitors and Partners
1. Fair competition
Respect fair competition principles and the market economy, and engage in fair competition with our peers.
Respect fair business regulations and comply with fair business laws.
2. Mutual growth
Promote mutual growth with our partners by engaging in fair business practices that are conducive to trust and partnership.
Employees many not use positions of superiority to force unfair behavior on our partners.
Social Responsibility
1. Legal compliance
Maintain strict compliance with laws governing social and business activity.
2. Contribution to national economy and society
Strive to improve our society through improvements in productivity, tax payments, and community service, while maintaining an attitude of contributing to the national economy and development of our society.